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The diversity of the Healthcare environment makes lighting a complex challenge. The needs of patients, staff and visitors are different, and are often conflicting.

Healthcare organisations are committed to being sustainable and low carbon organisations. NHS organisations specifically have Government set targets for carbon reduction and an additional financial incentive in the form of the Carbon Reduction Commitment (CRC) scheme.

Energy efficient lighting can play a large role in reducing energy costs as lighting can account for over 35% of the electricity used in a typical hospital.


Appropriate lighting design along with the correct selection of luminaires is essential to provide an environment that will aid the recovery of a patient. The correct ambience can affect mood and perception as well as enabling critical chemical reactions in the body. The design of luminaires also needs to take into account infection control, whether minimising horizontal surfaces to reduce dust collection, or for ease of maintenance and cleaning.


Lighting must enable the performance of visual tasks by hospital staff, from examination to night-time observation. The correct lighting can also enhance the well-being of staff, and help staff appreciate their workplace.


Healthcare trusts are committed to being leaders of sustainability and low carbon production. Healthcare organisations specifically have government set targets for carbon reduction and an additional financial incentive in the form of the Carbon Reduction Commitment (CRC) scheme. Healthcare providers are encouraged to work with suppliers who have strong sustainability credentials.


The use of energy efficient lighting can play a large role in reducing energy bills, with a typical return on investment of under five years on energy savings alone. Maintenance efficiencies exist through the adoption of LED luminaires and from associated technologies such as wireless luminaire status reporting and replaceable LED Printed Circuit Boards (PCBs)

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Lighting must contribute to an overall ambience of comfort, safety and reassurance for visitors. It can also help to encourage positive feelings from their visit.

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